Ad Revenue Calculator
See how much your website could earn with our ad revenue calculator
Estimated Annual Revenue:
AdSense: $
Header Bidding: $
Snigel’s ad revenue calculator helps you find out how much revenue you could generate with Google AdSense and Header Bidding. Our ad revenue calculator uses data from Google on region, category, and pageviews to calculate the total estimated ad revenue.
Your ad revenue will depend on many factors including site layout, number of ad units, audience demographics, seasonality, content niche, and ad viewability. In any case, these tools are still useful as they enable you to get a rough idea of what your website can or should be earning based on your traffic and the website's niche.
Check our guide on how to make more money with AdSense to see how you could increase your ad revenue.
What is an ad revenue calculator?
An ad revenue calculator allows you to estimate how much ad revenue your website can earn. Enter the region, category, and page view data into the tool to receive an estimate. Snigel's ad revenue calculator uses data from Google to provide estimates for how much a website will earn with Adsense.
Looking to improve your AdSense revenue?
Snigel is a specialist header bidding company. We are a Google AdX partner with access to premium advertising campaigns that are not available through AdSense. See our comparison between Google AdX and AdSense to learn more.
On average, we’ve been able to increase website ad revenue by 57%. Over 200 top websites use our header bidding technology to maximize their ad revenue. If you’d like to get started with AdEngine, Snigel’s header bidding solution, contact us here.
How does the ad revenue calculator work?
An ad revenue calculator uses geographic, location, and revenue data to predict how much revenue your website could earn.
Please note that your actual AdSense revenue will depend on many more factors including:
- Audience demographics
- Website content sub-niche
- Seasonality
- Click-through rate
- Devices used
- Browsers used
- Time on site